To get the message across you need a receptive environment. This means an environment:
- Where the message will be believed
- Where the recipients are prepared to hear the message
- Where there is credibility, trust & openness
To achieve this you could:
- Have open-plan office to ensure there are no ivory towers
- Walk-the-talk and ensure that if you say “will do it” then you do
- Communicate what you can so you limit the secrets
- Get people involved and make the communication 2-way
- Ensure you are seen to be reasonable and non-aggressive
You also need to be tailor to the communication method to the audience. To do this you need to consider:
- What the message is for - direction, action or information only
- Who will the message impact - personal to one person, specific to a group or general in nature
- Peoples reactions – will it be good, bad, mixed or indifferent
- How long you want the message remembered for – short, medium or long-term
If you want to make sure everyone gets the communication then putting it on a noticeboard is not enough. Email it to them or place a copy on everyone’s desk.
If people need to remember what you have told them accept you will have to communicate it more than once and in multiple ways.
So to improve communication, do the basics:
- Make it clear
- Make sure everyone understands
- Ensure expectations are known
- Walk it around
- Get people to meet
- Email is good but don’t over use it if a quick phone call will do
- Follow up