- Perception can become reality if you do not deal with it
- You need cooperation from people to get the job done (and this means making them feel they are part of what you are doing)
- People will not always tell you there is a problem, so you need to ask them
- It helps to be seen to be interested, even if you can not always resolve someone’s problem
- You need to measure what people think versus the reality to ensure it is supported by fact
- People tend not to answer surveys in the extreme (ie: go for the highest or lowest score – they usually answer somewhere in the middle)
- Accept that people will answer a questionnaire based on the last thing that happened, which may just have been a bad experience which in reality does not occur very often. Also people tend to remember bad things before good things
- Try not to allow people answering the questionnaire to get personal. It is not a mechanism for someone to get at a person they do not like. We will all have experienced personality conflicts at work but this should not stop professional, mature people from working productively together. The questions in the survey will be fairly generic, this is hard to avoid.
- The questions in the survey will be fairly generic, this is hard to avoid.
If you have implemented a new computer system ask for views on:
- The new system is settled down and is operating well
- Personnel at my location know how to use the system
- Personnel at my location do not need further training
- The budget process worked well
- My branch / cost centre owns and is committed to achieving its budget
- The processes at my branch are well documented
- If personnel moved from another branch to my branch they would easily be able to perform the same role